
Consisting of a rich and dense chocolate milk, Golden Ticket will be able to cure your sugar cravings and make your taste receptors believe you are actually drinking chocolate milk!

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Your taste buds have just won the raffle when you take a puff of Golden Ticket by MET4 Vapor 120ml. Consisting of a rich and dense chocolate milk, Golden Ticket will be able to cure your sugar cravings and make your taste receptors believe you are actually drinking chocolate milk! Now you can finally fulfill all those late night snack cravings you had as a kid and have a vape flavor that will be constantly rewarding your sweet tooth.

Golden Ticket ejuice is perfect for dessert lovers who love a vaping experience that is silky smooth while being dense and rich in flavor.

Upon inhale you will immediately notice the accurate chocolate flavor as it warms your taste buds while a soft undertone of delicious milk rides in the background complimenting the sweet chocolate notes. While you exhale is where the roles reverse and the chocolate tones take a backseat while the silky smooth milk notes take over. This provides an extremely satisfying and rewarding vaping experience that you will be glad to enjoy all day.